Friday, February 29, 2008

Google Docs Again...

I went back to google docs today to try to fix some things that weren't working for me yesterday. I made a presentation of photos to experiment and had a great time. I invited some coworkers to share my pictures but haven't heard yet if the whole thing went through to them correctly... If it did this could be a great sharing tool and it's also a great way to play while learning new things!! I even figured this out without the help of the afore mentioned younger co-worker - Yipee for me!!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Wow! That was a great way to post to my blog!!

Online documents could be a very valuable tool for people. They would enable people who don't have home computers and rely on public computers such as the library's, to make documents and be able to send and share them with others quite simply. I have to admit, I didn't know these existed until doing this activity. I think I would like the presentation feature if I were bright enough to make the imported photos big enough for other people to see...perhaps I'll have to seek the advice of younger, hipper, more techno-savvy co-workers. You know who you are!

I'm not to sure how I feel about my documents being out in the public arena however. I know everyone says everything will be secure, but it seems every day there are breaches to someones security. I don't have much important to say but I'd just as soon not everyone in the world was privy to it..

Despite these little hurdles, I think they are valuable tools that many will take advantage of.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Cool Stuff Was Fun!!

I took a look at and made a beautiful piece of art, Ha!Ha!. I did have fun playing and soon realized it isn't easy to create a masterpiece with a mouse!! I guess that's why I work at the library and not a fine art studio.. When creating my own personal masterpiece I actually did get better. I know this is hard to believe but some of my earlier works were actually discarded.
Wordshoot can become very addictive so I've had to stay far away from this sight for a while... I have actually played this at home and really do find it a lot of fun! It actually does help with the typing so I guess one could look at it as an educational experience!!

Friday, February 1, 2008

Library Thing!!!!

Wow, what a great site!! I really had fun playing in there. I liked it a lot better than the Goodreads site. I think some of it may have been the website design itself with more graphics, color, etc.. It was also very easy to use and also very self explanitory. This would be a very useful tool for many people. I know that I personally read so many books that I forget what I've read and try to write it down on paper which always gets lost. This way they would always be available to me. I also liked the suggestion feature. This is also a hard one for people who read alot. It is very hard to find something new which you enjoy. After some of the more disappointing excersises I have completed for the Discover 2.0, this one was a great big WINNER!!!!